Day 1

Research One:

I got my assignment from Steve to start by doing research. This will keep changing but for the next two days, this is all that I am doing.  
I started with research on youth programs around the country and also the world. Also if there were any directly any good photography programs for youth and how good they were. Photographing is great and having the ability to help to educate the youth is great. Being able to help the next generation of photographers is great too.  Once I had found a good program, I had to find out specific details about them and then make a pros and cons list for each. Also what my personal opinion was and how they could be improved.  Also how Natures best could take some of the ideas and use them to make the " ideal" program. This is all because Natures Best wants to create the "idea" youth photo program. 

Photography has the power to change the world and open people eye to events that are happening around the world. It is always good to make the next generation of photographers better and giving them the skill that they need to show new and different stories. 


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